Beti Padao Beti Bachao

Sh. N. K. Jain


The aim of education is not merely passing examinations, acquiring degrees, certificates of merit and achieving self sufficiency by getting high pay packages. The ultimate aim of education is working on oneself.

We, at JMV believe that the central task of education is to inculcate desire for learning. It should produce inquisitive learners with a never ending quest of knowledge. So, let us bring a change in our attitude that the students are not empty vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit. Today’s children are very active, enlightened and assertive - “Ignite their minds” as our former President Hon’ble Abul Kalam said. Its time for the educators to explore wider and varied avenues of teaching learning because we need to prepare our students for their roles as global citizens in a diverse and inclusive society.

We, at JMV believe that the central task of education is to inculcate desire for learning. It should produce inquisitive learners with a never ending quest of knowledge. So, let us bring a change in our attitude that the students are not empty vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit. Today’s children are very active, enlightened and assertive - “Ignite their minds” as our former President Hon’ble Abul Kalam said. Its time for the educators to explore wider and varied avenues of teaching learning because we need to prepare our students for their roles as global citizens in a diverse and inclusive society.

Therefore, it is essential that education should be based on application rather than testing a child’s memory and knowledge. Learn, to be in tune with oneself and with the nature of soul which is so abundant and full of peace, love and beauty. Give wings to your creativity and fly high.

“Live yourself & follow your dreams..”

Narinder Kumar Jain